Training a dog is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a pet parent. A well-trained dog is a joy to have around and creates a lifelong bond for both owner and pet. However, it’s also important to recognize that dogs are very different from humans in their behavior and learning processes. Training your dog requires patience and firmness if you want them to master specific commands.
Here’s everything you need to know about doggie training a new or experience pet parent:
General Principles of Dog Training
Training your dog is a process of learning. Dogs are not born knowing how to behave, but their owners can teach them. While some behaviors may come naturally for your pet, others require training and reinforcement.
Training should begin early so that it becomes second nature for you and your dog to follow the same routine each day. This helps ensure that your dog will understand what’s expected of them in different situations, which makes life easier!
Teaching the Basic Dog Commands
Teaching your dog basic commands is an essential part of training your dog. Here are some of the most common commands:
- Sit – This command helps keep your dog from jumping up on people, running away, or getting into trouble. To teach this command, hold a treat in front of their nose and slowly raise it above their head until they sit down. Once they do so, give them praise and let them eat the treat!
- Stay – This command can be a lifesaver! Start by holding onto their leash while saying “stay” and then letting go once they’ve stopped moving forward towards you.
Other commands you might want to consider teaching your pup include:
- Heel
- Down
- No
- Leave It
- Lay
- Roll Over
How to Leash Train Your Dog
Leash training is vital in providing a way to safely walk your dog outside the house. The best way to begin leash training is by teaching your pup how to walk on a leash without pulling or lunging at other dogs and people in their path.
This process involves the following steps:
- The first step is getting them used to wearing the collar and harnesses (if you’re using one) through positive reinforcement–giving them treats when they’re wearing them without any problems, playing games with them while they wear their collars or harness until they see them as something fun rather than something that restricts movement.
- Attach a leash to their collar or harness and hold onto one end while still giving yourself enough slack.
- Walk around your home or yard without distractions.
- Once your pup is comfortable walking around the yard, try taking them on a short walk.
For a more detailed guide on doggie leash training, check out this blog
Doggie Training Requires Patience
Doggie training requires patience, consistency, and a lot of love. Your dog will not learn immediately. It will take some time for him or her to get used to the new routine in your home and your expectations for them. Be patient with yourself and your pet as you work through this process together!
Be sure to check out our blog for other helpful doggie training articles!