Puppy Training Schedule

The ultimate Puppy Training Schedule

Puppy Training Schedule

The Ultimate Puppy Training Schedule 


Puppies are bundles of energy. They need a lot of attention, and training them can be difficult. However, if you follow the proper steps, it’s possible to raise an obedient dog that respects boundaries and responds well to commands. 


Knowing what to teach and focus on when training your new puppy can be overwhelming. Use the following schedule as a guide: 


8 Week Puppy Schedule


8-10 Weeks 


The first couple of weeks before you bring your puppy home will be the most important in terms of preparing them for their obedience. Here’s what you’ll want to focus on: 

  • Potty Training: This is an essential part of caring for any dog, but especially important when starting off with a new puppy. You’ll want to choose a specific area outside where your dog can go potty and then reward them with treats when they do so successfully. It may take several weeks before they get the hang of it, so don’t give up!  
  •  Crate Training: While some dogs are naturally more comfortable than others in this situation, most need time to adjust before feeling safe enough inside one place at all times (with supervision). Once again, patience is key here—you should expect some accidents along the way. 
  •  Common Commands: Sit and Come: These are two commands that every owner should know how to use effectively. 
  •  Name Recognition 


10-12 Weeks 


As your pup reaches the ten- to twelve-week mark, it’s important to introduce him or her to a leash and harness. This is when you can start taking your puppy outside of the home and on walks around the neighborhood. 


In addition to walking, you will also want to spend time socializing with other people and pets in order to prepare them for life in a family setting. This is also an ideal time period in which you can begin teaching basic obedience commands such as “Down” or “Heel.” 


3-4 Months 


Reinforce what your pup has already learned and add the following: 

  • Perfect walking on a leash and no pulling 
  • Advanced commands: Paw, Roll Over, etc 


4-6 Months 


  • Leash walking. The puppy is really starting to get the hang of it now, so he’s ready for some more advanced training. Try to get your pup to stop pulling at the leash during this period. 
  • Recall training outside. This means teaching him to come back to you when called, even if he’s busy sniffing around or chasing a cat or another dog. 
  • Weaning off food rewards by introducing toys as rewards instead (and making them more exciting than treats). 


When to Call For Help 


If you are having trouble training your puppy, reach out to a professional. A good trainer will be able to work with you and your dog to address specific issues. A trainer can also help address the most common puppy problems and give you tools that will help keep things running smoothly. If your pup has serious behavioral issues such as aggression or separation anxiety, it would be best to hire a professional who specializes in those areas. 


You can use this puppy training schedule to help you figure out what to teach your puppy and when. Don’t worry if you don’t follow every step of the process strictly! Your puppy will still learn and grow with each lesson, regardless of whether or not they are completed on time. 


Before you buy a puppy or dog there are several important aspects to consider before bringing one into your home:

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