Introducing Your Puppy To An Older Dog

puppy and older dog

Introducing Your Puppy To An Older Dog


Introducing a new puppy to an older dog can be tricky. You want your older dog to have some time to adjust to the new addition, but at the same time, you want them to feel included while a lot of your energy is going to be focused on your new pup! 


In this article, we’ll cover everything from preparing your older dog for their new friend, helping your new puppy get ready for the meeting, how long it takes for them to get used to each other, and more.  


Preparing for the First Introduction 


When you bring home a new puppy, it can be difficult to know how your older dog will react. The key is to keep both pets safe and happy by introducing them slowly. 


The first meeting should be in neutral territory. You don’t want to take your puppy and older dog home with you right away because that might make the introduction more stressful for both of them. Instead, find an area where there are no other dogs or people around–a park or beach would work well. 


If you have a puppy that’s still small enough to fit in your lap, try sitting with the two of them together on the couch or bed while they’re awake. Let them sniff each other, lick, cuddle, whatever they need to do to get to know each other while you’re present. 



How Long it Takes For Your New Puppy and Older Dog to get Used to Each other 


It’s important for you to remember that every single dog is different. Some will get along right away, while others might not be so easily convinced; it all depends on your older dog’s personality type. 


What Can Make Your Older Dog Jealous When Introducing a New Puppy 


There are many reasons your adult dog might be jealous of a new puppy. A few examples include: 


  • Attention. Some dogs, especially those who are used to being the center of their owner’s universe, may not like having to share their space and affection with another animal. This can lead to aggressive behavior. 
  • Toys and treats. If you give one dog a toy or treat that belongs exclusively to another dog in the house, it could cause some tension. 
  • Food bowls/feeding schedule changes can cause aggression. 


Prepare Your Puppy and Older Dog 


If you are getting your puppy from a local shelter or breeder, see if you can go in and take a blanket or toy home with your new pup’s scent and give it to your older dog. This will help them “meet” your puppy before ever meeting them in person. 


Introducing your new pup to an older dog can be hard work, but it’s worth it! We hope you’ve found this guide helpful, and we wish you all the best as you introduce your new puppy to your older dog. 


Remember that it’s important to take things slowly, be patient, and make sure each dog feels safe during their first meeting. Don’t be afraid if things don’t go exactly as planned–even experienced owners have trouble sometimes! Above all, don’t force things on either your new puppy or your older dog. 


Before you buy a puppy or dog there are several important aspects to consider before bringing one into your home:

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